Cinema Dulce – Best of Fest
Dealt | directed by Luke Korem
Audience Choice Award
Dealt | directed by Luke Korem
Best Feature Film
La Barracuda | directed by Jason Cortlund & Julia Halperin
Best Short Film
Guidance | directed by Josh Wolff
Best Texas Film
The Importance of Sex Education | directed by L. Elizabeth Powers
Best Documentary Film
A Force in Nature: Jóhann Eyfells | directed by Hayden de Maisoneuve Yates
Best Student Short Film
The Wishgranter | directed by Kal Athannassov, John Mc Donald & Echo Wu
Best Director
Brandon Dickerson | Victor
Best Actress
Abigail Hawk | Almost Paris
Best Actor
Jason London | As Far As The Eye Can See
Best Short Screenplay
The Time Before Him written by Kevin Thrasher
Best Feature Screenplay
Speechless written by Tom Helberg
Almost Paris | USA | Comedy | Domenica Cameron-Scorsese
As Far As The Eye Can See | USA | Drama | David Franklin
Camino | USA | Comedy | Justin Herring
La Barracuda | USA | Drama | Jason Cortlund & Julia Halperin
No Retreat | USA | Dramedy | Nicholas Zafonte
The Big Spoon | USA | Dramedy | Carlyn Hudson
Therapy | Germany | Drama | Felix Charin
Victor | USA | Drama | Brandon Dickerson
What Children Do | USA | Dramedy | Dean Peterson
A Force in Nature: Jóhann Eyfells | USA | Hayden de Maisoneuve Yates
Dealt | USA | Luke Korem
Floating Horses: The Life of Casey Tibbs | USA | Justin Koehler
Gabe | USA | Luke Terrell
Walk With Me: The Trials of Damon J. Keith | USA | Jesse Nesser
219 | USA | Documentary | Ed Hancox
4 Quarters of Silence | USA | Documentary | Cody Broadway
American Moderate | USA | Documentary | Jared Callahan
Dribbling Dreams | India | Documentary | Varun Tandon
Midnight Oil: The Making of a Mural | USA | Documentary | Larry Ray Causey II
Texas Germans | USA | Documentary | Michael Brims
The Cycle | USA | Documentary | Audrey Billups
The Enchanted Rock | USA | Documentary | Bud Force
UNKNOWN | USA | Documentary | Gregg Baethge
Annabelle Hooper and the Ghosts of Nantucket | USA | Family Mystery | Paul Serafini
Hard To Believe | USA | Documentary | Ken Stone
No Country For Old Men | USA | Drama | Ethan Coen and Joel Coen
Anchor Point | USA | Documentary
Chasing Light | USA | Documentary
Well Aware World | USA | Documentary | Brad Feeser
All American High School Film Festival Short Film Showcase
Huckleberry Delight | Ethan Seneker
Rokt Lax | Lukas Dong
Let Go | Francisco Cabrera
60 Seconds | Jason Phillips
Claude L’Homar | Sam Josephs
Indecisions | Hope Alexander
Chris | Brian Lindenbaum
Pip the Cup | Adam McArthur
Slide | Jayden Gillespie, Andrew Gillies, Cameron Colleran and Danny Sandler
Chores | Danny Rinaldi, Jake Schwencke, Sergio Scardigno and Conor Gallagher
Two and Quarter Minutes | Joshua Ovalle
Muffins | Hadley Hillel
Quintessence | Lucas Bugbee and Leilani Ingold
Yesterday | Sage Meadows
Paradigm | Stephen Boyer
Speechless written by Tom Helberg
The Mortality Game written by Ed Vela
The Void written by Jakob Christensen
Union of the Snake written by Jason Harris
Vale written by Jona Bloss
Going Back written by Rebecca Semik
Sweet Therapy written by Laura Koons
The Time Before Him written by Kevin Thrasher
Trace written by Mohsen Bagheri Dastgerdi
Traffick Jam written by Joseph Leinweber
#WhoWeKill | Russian Federation | Thriller | Pavel Ivanov
1 to 10 | USA | Dramedy | Robert G. Putka
Audible Static | USA | Drama | Sai Selvarajan
Backstory | Germany | Drama | Joschka Laukeninks
Bella Donna | USA | Drama | Christopher Basile
Boat People | Austria | Drama | Paul Meschùh
Bolos | USA | Drama | Peche Roberts
Bruce | UK | Dramedy | Adam Etheridge
Chasing Grace | USA | Drama | Julia Barnett
Checking Out | USA | Comedy | Joseph Wright Sulek
Chika, The Dog in the Ghetto | Germany | Animation | Sandra Schießl
Coming to Terms | USA | Drama | David Bertran
Crossing the Threshold | Spain | Drama | Sergio Hernández
Cul-De-Sac | USA | Drama | Damon Russell
EggsChange | USA | Animation | Hee Won Ahn
Fate of Revenge | USA | Drama | Elias Moreno
Guidance | USA | Comedy | Josh Wolff
Here Boy | USA | Comedy | Richard C. Jones
Hurricane | USA | Dramedy | Christiano Dias
Illegal Move | USA | Animation | Kyle Lopez & Sana Srinivasan
Imaginary Friends | USA | Comedy | Jason C. Brown
Invisible | USA | Animation | Michael Trikosko & Andrew Wilson
Jack and Jill | USA | Drama | Nikhil Melnechuk
Jerry Don | USA | Comedy | Paden Fallis
Killed In Action | USA | Dama | Christine Weatherup
Last Night in Rozzie | USA | Drama | Sean Gannet
Mamá! | USA | Comedy | Leslie Langee
Manners of Dying | USA | Drama | Bo-You Niou
MISSIO: Can I Exist | USA | Music Video | Jeff Ray
Native | USA | Drama | Travis Champagne & Stephen Kinigopolous
One Man | Canada | Drama | Philippe Grégoire
Oracle | USA | Drama | Mayo Whaley
Outside | UK | Drama | David Javid Zaidov
PhoneHead | USA | Comedy | Matt Ryan
Postcards | Spain | Drama | Ines Pintor Sierra & Pablo Santidrián
Prelude | USA | Drama | Isaiah Stratton
Pretty Bad Shape | USA | Comedy | Drake Howard
Risky Game | Germany | Thriller | Christine Kabisch & Stefan Plepp
Rupee Run | USA | Animation | Tarun Lakshminarayanan
Somewhere Between Heaven And Hell | USA | Drama | Andrew
Tándem | Spain | Drama | Leandro Alastuey
That Day | USA | Drama | Stephanie Ard
The Bathtub | Germany | Dramedy | Tim Ellrich
The Bookworm | USA | Animation | Richard Wiley
The Controller | USA | Animation | Kang Yung Ho, Ian Ie & Bob Yong
The Debt | USA | Drama | Chris Dickerson
The History of Magic: Ensueño | USA | Animation | Josè Luis Gonzàlez & Dano Johnson
The Importance of Sex Education | USA | Comedy | L. Elizabeth Powers
The King | UK | Drama | Fred Casella
The Muse Will Find You Working | USA | Drama | Wade Koch
The Opera Singer | USA | Drama | Steve Kahn
The Perfect Day | Spain | Comedy | Ignacio Redondo Gutiérrez
The Ravens | Australia | Drama | Jennifer Perrott
The Sled | Italy | Drama | Emanuela Ponzano
The Visitant | Australia | Drama | Nic Barker
The Wishgranter | USA | Animation | Kal Athannassov, John Mc Donald & Echo Wu
Umbra | USA | Drama | Brett Bentman
Ya Albi | USA | Drama | Christine Chen